- a lunch spot by workers in surrounding offices o
- to relax because of the tranquil setting
- a meeting point when traveling into the city.
Many businessss workers gather here but it is also a tourist attraction drawing in many tourists, both international and interstate.
However to the locals HP has a bad reputation of crime during night. At night HP is seen as a hotspot for youths, predators, drunks and homeless people. Tourists are warned not to walk in the park at night as a shortcut between the city and Oxford Street as alot of robberies occur there.
The Residence and The Hyde - two new apartment blocks currently being constructed on the streets bounding HP.
The Residence
- located on College Street
- apartments sell for around $1.5 million
- there are concerns over the construction of a modern tower conflicting with park and surrounding historic buildings
- architects have attempted to include sandstone elements into the design
- they're also using more glass instead of concrete - for views and blend with surroundings.
DID YOU KNOW - HP held Sydney's first women's public toilet built in 1910. This has now been demolished due to lack of use.